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When things go Beeeeeeeeeep in the night January 2, 2012

Posted by judylobo in Animal Stories, Life at Casa Lobo, Photography, This 'n That, Videos.

So last night at 3AM I am awakened by a high pitched, deafening ‘beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep’ – ‘beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep.’

Why do smoke alarms only go off during the wee hours of the morning.  Once my heart slowed down to a normal beat I assessed that there was no fire and most likely no carbon monoxide leak and jumped out of bed.

What to do?  What to do? (Benny the dog and Madsion the cat were not at all helpful).

I fumbled to get my big ladder out of the closet and climbed up (almost falling backwards in the process).  It was not a pretty sight. I could not reset the darn thing so I yanked it out of the ceiling.

It continued to ‘beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep.’

I hit the reset button and this awful voice started yelling ‘FIRE!  FIRE!  FIRE’!

I hit the reset button again and the awful voice ceased but the high-pitched ‘beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep’ continued. OY!

I could not figure out how to remove the battery (it would have helped if I had put on my glasses).  So I wrapped the noise machine in two fleece blankets and stuck it in the refrigerator.  I returned to bed – not very optimistic about going back to sleep.  I finally relax and about to drift off when I hear a muffled ‘beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.’

Seven hours later, my wonderful building handyman, Ross, replaced the newly bought five year warranty 9Volt battery. He also showed me how to remove the battery if this happens again).  After a good laugh he then proceeded to tell me stories of other condo owners in the building with even funnier tales of smoke alarm low batteries.  I felt less foolish – but still…


1. Carol King - January 2, 2012

I wrapped the noise machine in two fleece blankets and stuck it in the refrigerator. I returned to bed…

hahahahahahahha! YOU know how to start a new year off right!

2. Jim - January 2, 2012

OH BOY !!!!! Been there… ! But I never had the presence of mind to throw everything into the fridge… !

3. Judy - January 2, 2012

At least you can laugh about it.
I am usually in such a bad mood after losing a night’s sleep!

4. robert goldberg - January 2, 2012

not that funny when it happened but hysterical to read about it

5. Bonnie Luria - January 2, 2012

I can just picture you and can HEAR Benny….. The fact that you even had room in your refrigerator to put the howling alien was not lost on me. Or it could have been your oven………… Glad you’re back to the sounds of silence and will know how to do this again in 5 years.

6. The Florida Sistah - January 2, 2012

LOL!!! Mine went off awhile back and it is hard wired into the security alarm. I actually cut the wires at 3:30am so that I could go back to sleep. It is not at all funny when it happens, but good to laugh about later 🙂

7. Linc - January 2, 2012

lololol….I guess hurling it from your balcony was not a good option…it almost sounds like one of those urban legends.

8. Anonymous - January 3, 2012

Hilarious Judy!!! Especially the wrapping in blankets and sticking in fridge!!??!!! Burst out laughing. And the ladder and Benny and gIasses (lack once cut the cables of a beeping alarm in the middle of the nighttoo. Never had anything scream FIRE FIRE though.

Anonymous - January 3, 2012

Oops last part of message got scrambled. Anyway hope you got good long sleep last night! Besos!!!

Anonymous - January 3, 2012

Oops again, just to say it’s me Carmen!

Anonymous - January 3, 2012

(Although of course “besos” gave it away.)

9. Gloria - January 3, 2012

Your smoke alarm actually yells Fire! FIRE! FIRE! ? What a way to start the New Year. I set ours off for real yesterday when I lit a nice fire in the fireplace and forgot to open the damper. Ran around opening every window in the house and had Dick flapping a towel at it before it finally stopped shrieking. Nice to know it really does work.

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