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Sprint or Marathon? November 1, 2009

Posted by judylobo in Animal Stories, Animal Videos, Dogs and cats, Photography, Politics, Videos, wildlife, Zoos.
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Halloween09Talk about strange overlaps.  While walking my dog Benny  (who does not yet acknowledge the fact that we turned the clock back an hour last night), I noticed the Halloween revelers were still walking home while the NYC Marathon buses filled with anxious runners, were headed to Staten Island to await the start later this morning.  I guess that there are both party marathoners and running marathoners, right?

medals–  Since people are taking part in both activities at the same time I decided I can write about the Marathon and still be celebrating Halloween.  So, the above photo of Benny is my little Halloween greeting to you and yours.

–  The medals featured on the left are all about my Marathon days.

–  The New York Times had a front page story this rainy Marathon morning about cheating while Marathoning. I know from my five NYC  Marathons that it is uber-tempting to cheat.  When you enter Manhattan at mile 17 you can practically smell Central Park but you still have to lumber north on first Avenue through the Bronx, turn around and then head south to the finish line. Shame, shame, shame on the cheaters.

–  My memories of those five Marathon are some of the sweetest in this addled brain.  After hanging up my running shoes six years ago, I hung up my five medals and look at them almost every day (especially when these old bones begin to ache).  Completing a marathon is like nothing else.  It is a feeling of accomplishment and empowerment.  The down side are blisters and black toes.  Those things go away – but the sweet memories linger. Benny and I waved to all of those anxious Marathoners this morning and I will be watching and cheering for them both a the gym this morning and form my couch.

–  To the Halloween revelers that are stumbling home, I say – do not forget to turn your clocks back an hour.

–  Speaking of Marathons, the seemingly never ending November elections slog on.

–  Jon Stewart joins in the chat about NYC Mayoral race.  It is all about term limits.  Must watch.

–  Jon Stewart also looks at how the Fox opinion shows influence Fox “news” reporting. “See the Fox opinion guy’s outrage becomes the ’some say’ source for the newsside. It’s a perpetual rerevulsion machine,” explained Stewart.

–  Last week’s visit to the Philadelphia provided some great images and this funny 33 second video I shot of an orangutan playing doctor with a gibbon.

-Boo at the Central Park Zoo for you:


Countdown to the Big Day October 26, 2008

Posted by judylobo in Animal Stories, Animal Videos, Links, Photography, Politics, Videos, wildlife, Zoos.
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The countdown has begun. It is a mere nine days until we cast our vote, bite our nails and await the TV talking heads to call the election state by state. I read the entire article today’s New York Times Magazine section called The Making (and Remaking) of McCain. Fascinating stuff about the behind the scenes thought process that went into this bipolar campaign. The part about the selection of Sarah Palin is required reading for all of the political junkies out there.

–  Oh oh – According to Sarah Palin, Obama has gone from a Socialist to a Communist. This woman needs a choke collar. Gasp!

–  According to demconwatch.com as of 10/24, among the top 100 papers, Obama has been endorsed by papers with a circulation of 12.8 Million, McCain by papers with a circulation of 2.5 Million.

–  Maureen Dowd is back and tells it like it is about the McSame Campaign and Sarah Palin’s makeover. Check out this paragraph “In The New York Times Magazine today, Robert Draper reveals that the campaign also hired a former New York stage and screen actress, Priscilla Shanks, to be her voice coach for the convention. The expense was listed in finance reports as Operating Expenditures and Get-Out-The-Vote consulting. Apparently getting out the vote includes teaching a potential vice president the correct way to pronounce “nuclear.”

–  The continuing list of ship jumpers.

–  Newsweek’s Richard Wolffe discusses the truth in the Politico.com report on the infighting between senior McCain aides over Sarah Palin’s stump speeches and her deviations from campaign-approved talking points.

–  Gail Collins writes about our four year electoral college lament. I too live in one of the Blue States that does not get any robo-calling or non-stop ads on TV. I guess that is good news and bad news. Don’t we count at all anymore?

Frank Rich should be required reading. He gets it right each and every week.

– This is what a candidate for Vice President looks like and sounds like. Go Joe the Veep! You have my vote.

–  This week in the best of late night jokes, SNL comes up with a slogan for Bill Clinton, Jon Stewart mocks Palin’s extravagant expenditures on clothes, Colbert dissects Powell’s endorsement, and the hysterical Kimmel spoofs the tension between McCain and Palin –

–  It is that time of year. Boo at the Zoo has become an event all over the US. –  Boo at the Zoo is fun for one and all – especially the monkeys. Check out some of the pumpkin enrichment fun I saw yesterday at the Central Park Zoo.

–  Watch our snow monkeys enjoying pumpkin enrichment.

–  Watch  our Black and White Colobus Monkeys enjoy pumpkin enrichment too.