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I voted and was #107 November 6, 2012

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It always feels good to vote.  I voted at 7:10AM and there was a small, but steadily growing line.  Most everyone was dressed up to go to work.  The guy in front of me pulled out his driver’s license to show to the clerk.  The clerk laughed and told him we do not have to show ID in New York State. A few people around me laughed – one guy applauded. Who did I vote for?  I proudly voted for the entire Democratic Party line.  I vote for my interests. Don’t forget – if you don’t stand for something – you’ll fall for anything.

I voted and was #8 September 13, 2012

Posted by judylobo in Uncategorized.
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Yes, it is another election day.  I just got home after voting at 1:30PM and was #8 at my polling place.  That does not bode well for the turnout, does it?

I got a notification from the Board of Elections that my polling place had changed.  “Hmm”, I said – as I looked at the new address on the mailer.  It seemed to be the same place as before.  As I strolled to my old polling place, I noticed that indeed it was the same place – the thing that has changed was the name of the High School. Is this a form of voter suppression?  Not likely – just a Board of Elections mix up.

As I walked into the school gymnasium I was greeted by 9 people including two Police Officers.  They smiled as if it was Christmas morning. They got off their folding chairs and went into action.  Yes, I was the 8th person to vote and they were thrilled.  Glad to have made them happy.

So what was on the ballot?  Two names for Public Advocate (I voted for the name that the NY Times endorsed) and there were two columns of about 30 names each.  All were running for delegates and alternates.  I had to pick 11 delegates and 11 alternates. They were all Democrats. I voted for the women on the ballot.

I told them as I was leaving that the November election day  would be more crowded.  They said ‘Do you think so?”  I told them I would bet on it.

So go find your polling place and vote today.  It is good practice for November.

Don’t forget – if you don’t stand for something – you’ll fall for anything.

My Benjamin Netanyahu Story March 8, 2012

Posted by judylobo in Jewish Stuff, Photography, Politics, Religion, wildlife, Zoos.
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My friends are now rolling their eyes and saying ‘Nooooo – not the Benjamin Netanyahu story AGAIN!’ But since he is back in the news as the Prime Minister of Israel some stories just need to resurface. So here goes –

Time: March 2001

Place: The Central Park Zoo

Background: As a long time volunteer Zoo Guide in the education department at the Central Park Zoo I was asked ‘if I minded’ giving a tour to the recently ousted Prime Minister of Israel and his young family. Did I mind? Did I mind? (We Jews like to repeat ourselves). Heck, no.  I was thrilled.

Story: So after the formal introductions, Bibi, his wife, their two young sons, two undercover Israeli agents, two under cover NYPD officers and the head of security at the Central Park Zoo and I took off for an informal tour of the Zoo. The boys were excited, the Netanyahu parents seemed relaxed and the under cover officers were tense. I was trying to look cool, calm and collected. The only Hebrew I could recall was ‘shalom’ and how often can you say that on a zoo tour?

Meat of the story: As we toured the upstairs close-up gallery in the tropical rain forest we stopped at the tarantula exhibit. I spoke for a very short while about tarantulas. The boys and Bibi were fascinated by the creepy crawly critters.

I say to Bibi – “Do you have tarantulas in Israel?”

Without skipping a beat, looking straight into my eyes, Bibi replied – ‘”Only in politics”.

Oh yes, he was good. Very good. I just wish he were not such a hawk. Oh well. That is my Benjamin Netanyahu story. The above photo was taken of us by Tom,  the head of Zoo Security. I told Tom at the time that if the photo did not come out – I would have to kill him.

Movie Review: My Kid Could Paint That October 17, 2007

Posted by judylobo in Movie Reviews.
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reviewblogpic1.jpgMovie Review: My Kid Could Paint That

Alternate Title: Be Careful What You Wish For

Story: This is a thought provoking documentary about art, exploitation, hype, the proverbial 15 minutes of fame, the power of the media, parenting and the role of documentary film makers. You might recall the story of four year old Marla Olmstead who made International news with her abstract paintings. She went from an art world phenom, selling her work for thousands of dollars, to pariah, after a negative Charlie Rose 60 Minutes 11 piece within a short period of time. Director Amir Bar-Lev’s fascinating documentary covers lots of ground from the nature of art to the marketing of a child that garnered enormous press and instant celebrity.

The filmmaker was well into creating a positive documentary about this story when the 60 Minutes piece broke. His questions about the authenticity of the story evolves. Is he now becoming a part of the story? Did little Marla create the work herself? Did her amateur artist father help her? Why can’t she create her work when being filmed by outside media? Does it matter if she did not make the art herself? Does that make the art any less valid? Bar-Lev talks to NY Times art critic Michael Kimmelman, who discusses the nature of art and he also speaks with the reporter who started the whole story, the gallery owner who promotes her work, the collectors and lots of footage on the family itself. Judge for yourself.

For those art lovers out there who still think art stopped bring art when the Impressionists died, I am sorry to inform you that most art is, in fact commerce. The Impressionists too, were marketers who enjoyed seeing a red dot on the art gallery wall and hearing the ka-ching of a sale. The market dictates the value of art and whether it is created by a child, an elephant or a schooled technician, it is still art. Taste, however, is another story.

If you want to see more on the Marla story and also see her paint, check out her website.

By the way – the Marla story continues. Her parents are very resilient and she recently had a show in LA where her paintings are going for over $25,000.

Read the whole review on this 8 Lobo Howls film including these categories: Acting,  Predilection, Critters, Food, Sex Spectrum, Soundtrack, Opening Titles, Visual Art, Theater Audience, Weather, Sappy Factor, Quirky Meter, Squirm Scale, Drift Factor, Predictability Level,Tissue Usage, Oscar Worthy, Big Screen or Rental and Length.

To Speak or not to Speak September 25, 2007

Posted by judylobo in Politics, Videos.
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I scratched my head yesterday at all of the fuss about President Ma-Muck-it-up and his speech at Columbia University. I have always thought that one of the basic tenets of our great democracy is freedom of speech. As Voltaire so aptly said: “I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.”

Yes, he is a dictator, he denies the Holocaust (actually the number murdered – which also makes me NUTS), is an agitator and happens to look insane but giving him a platform allows Americans to actually listen to the nuttiness that comes out of his mouth. The biggest laugh he got yesterday was when he actually said that there is no homosexuality in Iran.

– Since I am chatting about speech this morning:

– Marcel Marceau chose NOT to speak

– All of the Repugnant candidates chose NOT to attend the debate at Morgan State University in Baltimore. I guess they are not interested at all in even pretending to speak to the Black voter anymore. John McCain was the only candidate to accept the invitation to a TV debate on Univision, the major Hispanic network. Guess they have given up on speaking to the growing Hispanic vote too.

– The auto workers struck out at GM yesterday. They spoke their minds. Wonder what would happen if they all spoke out against the war too?

– Giuliani Confronted for Desecrating 9/11 Dead – This group wants to stop Mr Mouthpiece.

– Even Polly wanna cracker speaks to us. Actually, it is Flo the parrot, singing and speaking to us.

Who Let the Dogs Out? September 23, 2007

Posted by judylobo in Animal Videos, Photography, Politics.
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William Wegman‘s wonderful Weimaraners  have been enjoyed by millions around the world. These amazing, graceful dogs make most people smile, laugh and just feel good. His latest video/art installation in Madison Square Park, right by the yummy Shake Shack can be seen by one and all until October 28th. The new seven-minute video, is viewed on four outdoor monitors starring Wegman’s favorite cast of characters as they enjoy a fall day in Madison Square Park. For more info on this installation which runs until October 28.
My dog Benny featured to the left in his Wegman homage wig, barked at the video when he first watched it. Catch Benny and a few glimpses of the Wegman video here:

Stuart Brown, a physician and clinical researcher founded and serves as president of the National Institute for Play. ‘Anyone who has a pet can testify that play is not exclusive to humans. And, in the wild, different species often are at odds. But, Stuart Brown witnessed something different. Watch the striking images of a wild polar bear playing with sled dogs in the wilds of Canada’s Hudson Bay.’

– If you love dogs, you’ve got to check this out

– Want a photo of a cute puppy in your in-box every morning? It helps to balance out all of the other bad news. Check out The Daily Puppy and sign up.

– When Judy Calls, Rudy Listens: At the NRA suck up last week, Rudy got a phone call form his beloved Judy during his speech. How come Rudy can’t do cute? Gag!

– Enough about dogs. Have you seen this GIANT spider web in Texas?

– An occasional Lobo prediction: How does a Hillary – Wesley Clark ticket sound to you? He has endorsed her, is on a speaking tour about his new book, looks and sounds authoritarian on TV and, let’s face it – he is a General.

– If you go to my post about The Granny Brigade, Betty, who was featured in my photo has added two comments. Go Betty!

– You are on your own today with Frank Rich on Senator Craig and
Maureen Dowd on Rudy and Judy. The Times Select is dead. Long live freedom of the reader!